To bring people to salvation in Jesus Christ and establish them as disciples of Christ; “a disciple is someone who knows Christ, shares Christ, and multiplies Christ in the life of another and is faithful to do whatever is in the heart and mind of Christ.”


Jesse Anderson
Senior Pastor
I have been serving as lead pastor since July 2024. Before this I served here at River of Life as their Youth Pastor since 2020. I am a graduate of Colorado Northwestern Community College and of McNeese State University in Lake Charles, LA. I am a certified minister with the Assemblies of God and a CTC School of Pastoral Ministry graduate. In conjunction with being a minister I am also a professional horse trainer, husband, and dad.
My wife, Brittany, and I moved to Colorado from Louisiana in 2018. Brittany grew up in Louisiana and I grew up in Missouri and our story began while attending college in Louisiana. We now have two amazing sons, Samuel and Slade, and are proud to be serving as your lead pastors at River of Life.

Brittany Anderson
First Lady
Brittany Anderson is a dedicated pastor's wife whose unwavering support and commitment to the church community are truly inspiring. Her involvement in various church activities and programs ensures that everything runs smoothly, fostering a welcoming environment for all members.
River of Life Church is a Spirit-filled evangelical church affiliated with the Assemblies of God. The church is a Spirit-filled country-style multi-community church. Though located on the outskirts of Rye, Colorado, the church draws attendees and members from throughout the Greenhorn Valley and surrounding area. The Greenhorn Valley contains two communities: Colorado City and Rye, with the community of San Isabel nearby. The church has a blend of people who for various reasons prefer the country/mountain living lifestyle. River of Life’s efforts center around the four core values of worship, discipleship, service, and outreach.
The Constituency is made up of retirees, country folk, cowboys, young professionals, and families. The church worship is led by a worship team that facilitates a more contemporary style of worship. The church's discipleship centers around small groups, and its community involvement and outreachs. We invite you to come and be a part of our church family!

We owe River of Life AG Church to the seminal work of the Holy Spirit through Reverend Alice Miller, commonly known as Sister Miller. Sometime in 1961-1962, Sister Miller moved to Rye when she retired from pastoring in Arizona. She was 65 years old. She was an independent Pentecostal, not affiliated with the Assemblies of God mainly because she was divorced. Back then, there were no Pentecostal churches in the Rye area. She started having Sunday school in various homes. Sister Miller owned two adjacent lots in Rye. Eventually, she built a church on one of the lots. Her home, a cabin, was in the adjacent lot. The church lot had the septic system on it. The well was on the other lot. At least, one witness has been heard to say that during services the little church could be seen aglow from the outside looking through the windows.
When Sister Miller was about 90 years old it came time for her to retire. She instructed that the church be given to the Assemblies of God because the doctrine of the Assemblies of God was close to the doctrines that she believed. She asked Pastor Wilson, a member of the Church Board, to find a pastor for the church and see to it that her wishes were followed. The property belonged to her personally, and she gave stewardship of it to Pastor Wilson when she retired.
When Sister Miller retired and first moved into Pueblo to a senior citizen complex, she intended to spend the summers in her cabin next to the church. She never returned. She passed away on January 20, 1990. Before she passed, the church bought from her the property with the cabin and the well.
Pastor Wilson wasn’t totally convinced that the church was needed in the area. So he asked Pastor Nicky Rider to preach for the month of November 1987 to see what he thought. At the end of November Pastor Nicky Rider thought the church was needed. Pastor Wilson asked him to continue preaching until the following May, and see if he still felt the same way. He stayed. At the time, Pastor Nicky Rider and his wife Janie were living and working in Woodland Park and driving to Rye on the weekends for services. In May 1988, Pastor Nicky Rider confirmed that the church was needed in the community, and Pastor Wilson agreed. At the end of the school year, Pastor Nicky Rider and his family moved to Colorado City.
Following the wishes of Sister Miller, Pastor Wilson helped Pastor Nicky Rider with the purchase of the lot where the cabin was located, consolidate the two lots into one tax exempt property, and place it the name of the Assemblies of God. That’s when it became a “church” property and tax exempt. At some point the church was named “Christian Chapel”.
Pastor Nicky Rider pastored Christian Chapel from November 1987 to March or April of 2004. When he took over the church there were only 8 people in attendance. When Pastor Nicky Rider left to enter the Mexico mission field, the church had about 60 to 65 people in attendance.
Pastor Doug Fightmaster proceeded Pastor Nicky Rider in 2004. During his tenure, he was successful in moving the church to its present location. The new church land and building were in need of lot of clean up and development when it was first bought. Pastor Fightmaster and his congregation did a tremendous amount of work to make it suitable for services.
Pastor James Naron succeeded Pastor Doug Fightmaster in 2008 and served until 2023. When he began his tenure, he inherited a church in need of financial restoration and a renewed standing within the community. Through his strong and dedicated financial stewardship, the church became financially healthy. His tireless efforts to foster person-to-person connections helped rebuild the community’s trust. During his leadership, River of Life AG Church became well known for its authentic love of the community and its reliable support in times of need. Among his many accomplishments, Pastor Naron played a key role in the purchase, installation, and remodeling of two, two-room modular buildings. He also led the efforts to build the pavilion, now a venue for outdoor services, weddings, and other events.
Pastor Jesse Anderson took over in 2023 and is currently serving as the residing pastor of River of Life AG Church.